1. Copy the following text (highlight and ctrl-c on your computer):

Your Name and Title: Plamen Miltenoff, Professor

Library, School, or Organization Name: St. Cloud State University

Co-Presenter Name(s):

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: US

Language in Which You Will Present: English (I am fluent in German, Russian and Bulgarian, if questions from the audience)

Target Audience(s): educators with limited finances for immersive technologies

Short Session Description (one line): introduction to the realities of immersive teaching and learning: low-end vs high-end approach when building and applying immersive teaching methods. Real cases for 360 degree and Augmented reality low-end approaches.  

Full Session Description (as long as you would like): the goal of this discussion is to assist both technologically and organizationally with the ubiquitous acceptance of these two technologies, 360 degrees imagery and Augmented Reality as part of the move toward immersive teaching and learning.
Informing educators about a rather fluctuant terminology, which can pose issues when structuring syllabi, seeking financing, applying for grants. 
The importance of a low-end approach toward immersive teaching and learning due to constraints of various character and as a part of the scalable construct of immersive teaching and learning in academic libraries, and respectively, on campus. A low-end approach should precede the transition from traditional teaching and learning to immersive teaching and learning, due to pedagogical, administrative and financial reasons. 
A short description of a real case for 360 degrees application in libraries and museums.
A short description of a real case augmented reality applicatin in in libraries and museums.

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:


As you can see from the web page, https://www.immersivelearningproject.org/home, we can offer workshops on introduction to immersive technologies for teaching and educational services like libraries museums etc. as you can see from the webpage, the workshops were part of the state grant, which enabled us to organize and conduct the workshops.

If there is a pre-conference availability for conducting a workshop like this whether it's this conference or other similar events, we will be glad to deliver. Please let me know at pmiltenoff@stcloudstate.edu if you need more details. 

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