Your Name and Title: Mandi Goodsett, Performing Arts & Humanities Librarian/OER and Copyright Advisor
Library, School, or Organization Name: Cleveland State University
Co-Presenter Name(s): n/a
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Cleveland, OH, USA
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): librarians from any type of library, library organizations, librarian event planners
Short Session Description (one line): Learn how moving library conferences and events online can increase their sustainability while also improving accessibility for potential attendees.
Full Session Description (as long as you would like): As organizations and libraries deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, many have had to make the tough decision whether to cancel their large events and conferences, or move them completely online. Moving an event online is challenging, and the planning process is a large departure from what is typically done for an in-person event. However, when library conferences are moved online, they reduce the amount of travelling required, eliminate the waste involved in in-person events, and allow a whole new community of folks to participate that, for various reasons, were unable to attend in-person events. This session will describe some basic considerations for moving a large-scale library event online, including why doing so is often more successfully meets the goals of the triple bottom line (economic, social, and environmental sustainability). It will draw from the presenter's own experience leading a team to move a state-wide library event online during the COVID crisis.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session: n/a