Your Name and Title: Loida Garcia-Febo, International Library Consultant and Chair of ALA’s U.N. Sustainable Development Goals Task Force
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: New York City
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): All conference attendees, library workers, friends of libraries, library associations
Short Session Description (one line): Libraries & the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals: saving our planet!
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
During this session Garcia-Febo will present an overview of libraries are using the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as a framework to help communities end poverty, protect the planet and improve the lives and prospects of everyone, everywhere. She will also share news from the ALA’s U.N. Sustainable Development Goals efforts bring awareness about sustainability and to collaborate with librarians from academic, public and school libraries from U.S. library associations together with ALA President-Elect Julius C Jefferson Jr. to design a strategic plan to guide efforts to increase awareness about the UN SDGs and how libraries are essential to development and their services are a platform to do good in the world by adopting sustainable thinking and transforming lives through education and lifelong learning.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were established in 2016 by the United Nations (UN) to guide countries in their development efforts. Libraries and librarians are essential to the development and to help each one of the communities where we are.
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