Your Name and Title:
Alma Ortega, PhD
Liaison Librarian for Peace Studies
Library, School, or Organization Name:
University of San Diego
Area of the World from Which You Will Present:
San Diego, California, United States
Language in Which You Will Present:
English (can also do Spanish and Portuguese)
Target Audience(s):
All library personnel
Short Session Description (one line):
How to Maintain Your Mental Health and Wellness while Working in a Library based on research and the lived experiences of librarians and library workers.
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
In this session, first: you will learn from the research done for both a dissertation and book regarding leadership styles in academic libraries, and more recently research on public libraries, as well as how these leadership styles can and do impact your mental health and wellness; second: you will learn what many librarians and library assistants do to remain healthy mentally, emotionally, and physically. Finally, tips on how to aim for a better-balanced life that includes your family, friends, health, wellness, work, and leisure will also be discussed.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:
Book includes information on mental and healing efforts after having dealt with difficult leadership: