Name and Title: Lisa Meléndez, Professor, Library Services
Library, School, or Organization Name: Suffolk County Community College
Co-Presenter Name(s): N/A
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: New York
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): Academic and Public Librarians; Public Service Library Workers
Short Session Description: Practical techniques for easefully incorporating pause and self-care into your workday
Full Session Description: On a daily basis, librarians and public service library workers experience the impact of changing technologies as we strive to connect people and information in meaningful ways. An academic librarian and yoga practitioner for many years, I will share my approach for incorporating basic yoga principles into my work day to help counter the burnout that can accompany the busyness and unpredictability of our often-understaffed work environments. In addition to providing brief overviews of several basic yoga tenets, I will offer practical techniques using tools such as breath and nyāsam (gesturing) for use in a variety of settings, including public service desks, offices, and classrooms.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session: SCCC CARES: Promoting Mindfulness and Well-being.