Your Name and Title: Abby Davis -- reference, adult services, and programming librarian
Library, School, or Organization Name: Jefferson-Madison Regional Library
Co-Presenter Name(s): N/A
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Charlottesville, VA
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): public librarians interested in programming, displays, creating welcoming spaces, and blending work with rejuvenation
Short Session Description (one line): Learn how to incorporate mindfulness education into "grab and go" resources for your patrons of all ages -- not only will you be giving your patrons a valuable gift, but you'll be soaking up the mindfulness goodness yourself, too!
Full Session Description (as long as you would like): Receive everything you need to start “grab and go” programming for adults at your library: how to hone in on a vision, supply lists and recipes for a "balanced bag," content creation and management strategies, and tips for scaling the project to reach more diverse populations, respond to community needs, and strengthen your own librarian heart. Because a major theme of this presentation is "give the gift you'd like to receive," we will incorporate language, ideas, and strategies for encouraging staff resilience and self-care. This is a perfect initiative for library staff looking for recovery and revival in their work, as it strikes a great balance between creating outputs for a quick win and long-term expansive thinking.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session: