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About Me:
I am Working as a Librarian At One of the Best Engineering Colleges in Andhra Pradesh., i.e.,JOGINPALLY B. R. ENGINEERING COLLEGE. Under my tenure we are providing internet facility to students in our Library for accessing e- resources/databases. British Library institutional Library membership for accesing englsih literature. DELNET FACILIT, NPTEL FACILITY. Our Library is automated with open source software: KOHA. I have trained professionals as Library Asst to Asst.Librarians to Librarians. I have few professional friends in each state in our country with whose encouragement and support I was elected as a General Body Member to DELNET for two year term 2010-2012 from Andhra Pradesh. Recently elected as President for OPLIB (Organization for Protection of Libraries),A.P. I am Life member in few professional Associations / bodies/ Organizations. I Organized & Conducted One National Level Workshop on Competency Skills for Library Professionals on 6-7, May, 2011 which was found in International bi monthly, ie., Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, U.S.A – August/September 2011 – Volume 37, Number 6, page no:8. Earlier we celebrated Dr. S. R. Ranganathan Birth Day as Librarians day at MRCET Campus on 11-8-2010 & 11-8-2011. Recently I have been appointed to render my services voluntarily as an Editor for "International Journal of Library Science (IJLS)” for two years (renewable for next year). My name has been short listed for the following Awards 1) Eminent Educationist Award and Certificate of Education Excellence By National & International Compendium- New Delhi, 2) Best Educationist Award and Certificate of Education Excellence by International Institute of Education & Mangement- Delhi.