Chris Zammarelli
Vincent Wright
Mary Chimato
Morgan Mandel
Rizal Karim
Elizabeth Davis
Sarah Houghton-Jan
Steve Wilmarth
Scott Rice
Jenny Levine
Rosalind Tedford
Carolyn Foote
Lorraine Porcello
Michael Porter
Barbara Renner
Catie Roche
Daniel Berdaner
Blog or Personal/Professional Website:
https://I'm mostly interested in academic library 2.0, meeting users where they are (on their terms), and *useful* applications of technology to solve existing problems. My biggest interest, right now at least, is helping students navigate a Web 2.0 world. Web 2.0 has enlarged and complicated the information environment, and it seems to me that information literacy is a good way to help students learn to interact with it. Of course, I think all the techy stuff is fun, too.
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