Navi Mumbai
Navi Mumbai
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MGM's Dental College & hospital Central Library
About Me:
1.Library Administration: Assigning the work to Subordinate staff & get work done from them with in given time. Maintain the Monthly Roster of staff for routine change.To check regularly the work & duties assign to them. 2.Collection Development: Calling Quotation form well re-known publisher for purchase of Books & Journals (Specially on Dentistry & Allied Sciences). Making payment of respective vendors as per yearly purchase of Books. 3.Binding: calling Quotation form well know Binder from the city. send the Books & journals for Binding which are in heavy demand for research purpose for Medical scientist. 4.Handling the Inspections of MCI, DCI &DMER :I had successfully handled the regular inspection conducted by above mention Authorities in Filed of Dentistry. 5.Research: To Provide the hyperlinks to for readers, faculties & researchers from various publisher of respective journals, 6.Digitization:To provide information from database like MUHS), MEDLINE,CINHALS, EBSCO. I under take searching of article, sending the table of contain Made a provision of PDF of Articles for making CD version as part of SDI for all researcher & Dental faculties. 7.Classification of Dental Books: its general & routine work of a librarian to classify a book with considering the updation in Titles & subject. 8.Preparing Budget: A budget is one of IMP element of Library on which Library run whole year it had been prepared information provided by me to Library Committee. 9.To conduct Library Committee Meeting: we conduct the meeting of Library committee. The information of job done in Library & the progress of Library work is given by me at regularly & time to time. 10.Software:Knowledge of Handling Different Library Software, Slim++, SOUL and LIBSYS. Good Knowledge in Automation of Library and uses different Library Software for In-house Operations. Uses Library Software modules like Acquisition, Circulation, Cataloging, Management, OPAC and also generate user profile, Bar code. Get discovered for your work! Add your videos, images, documents... Portfolios Presentations Photos and videos orUpload FileSupported Providers Edit