Gulf Shores, AL
Gulf Shores, AL
Are you a
Name of Your Library (if applicable):
Gulf Shores Elementary School Library
About Me:
I have begun my 28th year in education as the teacher-librarian of Gulf Shores Elementary School. GSES has a population of approximately 1,075 students Pre-K through 6th Grades. I teach library classes for grades K through 2 on a weekly basis. Third grade classes come to library once a week with their teacher for fifteen to twenty minutes to check in/check out books. Grades 4 through 6 come as a class or individually to check out books during open library time. Baldwin county schools are in the process of implementing the Digital Renaissance 1:1 initiative. GSES students each have a Mac Air in grades 3 - 6. Students in K - 2 will receive additional iPads to go from 2:1 to 1:1 sometime this month. To facilitate the 1:1 initiative the librarian, instructional partner, and technology coach meet with each grade level on Tuesdays for 40 minutes during their planning. This collaborative effort has been one of the components that has caused teaching to change right before our eyes ! It's a great time to be a part of Gulf Shores Elementary School, Baldwin County School system and Digital Renaissance.