Name of Your Library (if applicable):
Michael Wacker
Blog or Personal/Professional Website:
About Me:
nI am a lifetime learner that truly loves to engage, listen, and talk with folks smarter than myself. I view my blog/public posts as a personal journal and reflection opportunity for me. And if anyone stumbles upon these posts and reflections, that is awesome.
I am reflective, and a good listener. I enjoy designing and facilitating online learning spaces for educators to inquire, share, reflect, and connect. Whenever possible I take time to work in classrooms, espouse the possibilities of 21st century connected and open learning, and facilitate discussions around questions that I have, or something I want to learn more about. I love learning, and sharing new ideas, tools, and discussions with my peers.
I try not to take myself too seriously and I surround myself with brilliant people who challenge and teach me often.