Stoke on Trent
Stoke on Trent
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About Me:
Geoff Walton is Senior Lecturer in Information and Communications at Manchester Metropolitan University. He was Senior Lecturer at Northumbria University for 3 years. Before that he was Senior Researcher in the Institute for Applied Creative Thinking (I-ACT) in the Faculty of Arts, Media and Design and Academic Skills Tutor Librarian (Information Services) at Staffordshire University. As subject librarian he supported the Business School. He was SLA Europe Information Professional 2010. As Senior Researcher in I-ACT Geoff was responsible for fostering a research community within the faculty and for identifying funding opportunities across a range of subject areas. In 2009 he completed a PhD which analysed the development of a blended approach (a mix of face-to-face and online pedagogical methods) to delivering information literacy to first year undergraduates. He is particularly interested in the cognitive processes involved in becoming information literate. His research interests also include developing the Assignment Survival Kit (ASK), developing a process for online peer assessment, investigating the role of information literacy in lifelong learning and the experience of non-traditional undergraduate students. In his previous role as RiT Project Co-ordinator Geoff was involved in identifying synergies between research, teaching, learning, information literacy, elearning and inquiry-based learning. Geoff is a committee member of the CILIP Information Literacy sub-group. He was also joint managing editor of the new online journal Innovative Practice in Higher Education which is now live at www.staffs.ac.uk/ipihe. Geoff is Chair of the Editorial Board for the Journal of information Literacy http://ojs.lboro.ac.uk/ojs/index.php/JIL/index