Tamil Nadu,Madurai
Tamil Nadu,Madurai
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Name of Your Library (if applicable):
J.X.Miller Library, Lady DOaK COLLEGE
About Me:
Name Dr.Lt. S.SANGARANACHIAR Area of specialization : Study of academic libraries and its trends. Management of Libraries and its technical advancements. Information services and Information retrieval systems and techniques Understanding the users and Behavioral study Library Automation and Digital Libraries Webometrics I) EDUCATION QUALIFICATION Degree Institution Year of Passing Subject Class B.Sc Holy Cross College 1989-92 Chemistry I Class B.L.I.Sc Annamalai University 1992-93 Library & I Class Information Science I Rank M.L.I.Sc. Annamalai University 1993-94 Library & I Class Information Science Gold Medal UGC NATIONAL LEVEL TEST for Eligibility for Lecturership (Master’s Level)June 1994 in Library and Information Science M.Phil Annamalia University 1994-95 Library & I Class Information Science M.A Annamalai University 1995-97 Sociology II Class Ph.D Madurai Kamaraj University Feb 7th 2011 Library and Information Science (FIP Scholar) J)HONOURS CONFERRED: Leadership training and participation and laurels: Attended NCC Pre Commissioned Officers Training Course at Gwalior and secured Commandant Silver Medal – Best all rounder and stood first in professional ability and received appreciation from DIRECTOR GENERAL OF NCC, LIEUTENANT GENERAL B.S.MALIK. AVSM. Attended many adventure camps, National Integration camp and Kargil Motivation Camp deserves special mention. Recognized as a specialist in NIA presentation Out Standing Achievements 1. As Librarian was honored as the prominent Alumnae of Holy Cross College on the occasion of the celebration of International Women’s Day with Gold Medal. Received Renowned Alumane Award on March 8th 2005. 2. As NCC officer Lt. was awarded with an Outstanding ANO’s Award of Madurai Group in appreciation of her contribution in training the cadets for RDC NIA Presentation and flag Area at the Felicitation function organized by Madurai Group on 15/3/2005. Innovation in the Librarianship: Professional Achievements Taken up the Library Automation project and designed an in house software suitable to the local environment. Created master table and the links and the flow chart for the reports. With the help of coding engineers coded all the modules (circulation, accessioning, periodical, reference, archives digitization, digital library etc…) Introduced Rainbow Library Project – Staff management and time management and enabled easy shelving of books. Introduced User orientation program and it is regularly carried out in the year beginning. Introduced Library Week Celebration –With the cooperation of the Library Committee members and the Students Union it is celebrated. Initiated the newspaper clippings section and have the special collection on college publication. Instituted the reading corner with the display of materials and latest publication Initiated Library services programme (Out reach programme) as a Part IV programme- Its passed as a course and students are provided with credit (Service Learning Programme). Reaching the Unreached through the service activities. Established E- Library and introduced E-access training Introduced – Online Reference service Established Archives and completed Digitization of Photographs project of archives Initiated Information Literacy Programme Instumental in initiating Inter Library Loan Service with DELCON (DBT e-library Consortium)- Technical Contact person. Interested in CONSORTIUM-Took effective steps in making the college to be the member of national consortium INFLIBNET and has become member of Information Library Network center-Technical Contact Person – National Library and Information Services infrastructure for Scholarly Content (INFLIBNET_N LIST ),UGC Effective collection management system is been introduced – Identifying the information resource gap and also mapping the resources with the Academic Council Course References and bridging the gap Along with the college, Library went for ISO Auditing and got ISO certified with the systematized functioning of the library sections