Caransebes, Caras-Severin
Caransebes, Caras-Severin
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About Me:
I graduated Eftimie Murgu University from Resita in 2004 . Now I am teacher and researcher in Caransebes, Romania . www.luciandumateachweb20.eu/ http://www.wikispaces.com/user/view/DUMACORNELLUCIAN . In 2011 I was accepted judge in ThinkQuest projects . I am also proud to be Glogster Edu and Symbaloo Edu Ambassador and I was Mentor in Teacher Challenge organized by Edublog . I obtain in eTwinning projects 8 European Quality Label . In 2010 I lauch and now I am founder for ,, #edtech20 #curation and #semantic global project gateway through knowledge in #education20 http://www.jogtheweb.com/run/fQW5H5GFWX7a/edtech20-curation-and-semantic-project-gateway-through-knowledge-in-XXI-Century-Education-httpunhubcomweb20education#1 free for teachers worldwide . https://twitter.com/#!/web20education ; http://unhub.com/web20education/ . Last year I was involved in Teaching Internet Safety Project organized by European Schoolnet and Teach Today and I coordinate my module : ,, How teachers and students can use free web 2.0 and Social Media in a eSafety mode in education 2.0 " and for this module I make a european team with : Aureo Torres (SPAIN) ,Maria Sourgiadaki (GREECE) ,Catalina Nicolin ( MECTS Romania ) and Inge de Cleyn ( Belgium ) and my team work was presented at Safer Internet Forum in Louxemborg between 21-22 octomber 2010 . In the same time Lucian launch #edtech20 project - free project in the clouds for teachers worldwide . My #edtech20 project ,, , Teach, learn and play using in a eSafety mode new tools and applications web 2.0 and social media in education 2.0 " was finalist project in Elearning Awards 2010 ; runner up in the cathegory ENISA award for teaching online safety and citizenship sponsorized by Enisa and European Schoolnet . For this project I made many websites and groups using web 2.0 and Social Media in XXI Century Education. http://web20ineducation2010.ning.com/profiles/blogs/edtech20-web20education-freeThis year 2011 I teach students with special needs ict ( Web 2.0 and Social Media ) , History and Religion and I think all the children and students have the same rights although they are ,, different, but equal “Because I love my students and I like to integrate new technologies in my classsroom I involved my students in many educational projects local , national and international : Iearn, Spring Day and in eTwinning projects I obtain with my students 7 European Quality Label and in many projects I am founder and I made the description and aims . I was founder and coordinator 2 years in eTwinning project ,,Different, but equal " - partenership and collaboration between students with special needs in Europe and involved in this project more than 100 teachers and 1000 students . This year is the 3 -rd year when I am the coordinator of the project ,, Different, but equal " - partenership and collaboration between students with special needs in Europe . In this project I organized intenational symposiums , exhibitions and contests . http://sharetabs.com/?internationalprojectdifferentbutequal . I present this project in European Parliament from Bruxelles in 4 november 2009 because I whas selected from 44 participants in the 8 finalists in AtmosphEuropa Contest http://teacherluciandumaweb20.blogspot.com/2010/01/remember-2009-i-was-finalist-in.html I was a presenter in Global Education Conference 2010 and in Connecting Online 2011 Free Anual Conference on wiziq . Now I live in Caransebes with Simona my wife and Amina , my 1 year od daughter http://www.visualcv.com/fz14j0p