Chris Rohde commented on Steve Hargadon's blog post What are the Worst, Grossest, Scariest, or Oddest Things Ever Found in the Stacks or in the Book Drop for Your Library?
"I'm in a suburban library system in California. The community is ranked one of the safest, best places to live overall. However, the location that generates most of the incidents is in a core neighborhood, and within walking distance of a shelter.…"
Mar 13, 2024
Chris Rohde commented on Steve Hargadon's blog post What are the Worst, Grossest, Scariest, or Oddest Things Ever Found in the Stacks or in the Book Drop for Your Library?
"1. Needles or drug paraphernalia (pot pipes, empty baggies with powdery residue).
All the above: Pot, meth, pills, crack, various pipes, used needles, full and empty alcohol containers, mostly in the stacks, but occassionally found on the ground or…"
Mar 11, 2024
Chris Rohde commented on Steve Hargadon's blog post Can Libraries Become the Driver for Safe Home Gun Storage? A Bold Idea, Whose Time Has Come.
"Dr. Steve, I hear the weariness in your blog, but please continue to teach and advocate for workplace safety for libraries and schools. I've been a Library Supervisor for years and have spent 33 years myself in the library. I've had to deal with…"
Feb 26, 2024