"In times of profound change, the learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists." -Al Rogers
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Video / slides for information literacy
Can anyone recommend any videos / slides which cover information literacy, such as evaluating online material, or searching databases such as medline?
Read more…Covering eLearning 2.0
Taking the idea of Blended Learning even further, there's a nice round up at Read/WriteWeb's e-learning 2.0: All You Need To Know :eLearning 2.0 takes a 'small pieces, loosely joined' approach that combines the use of discrete but complementary tools and web services - such as blogs, wikis, and other social software - to support the creation of ad-hoc learning communities.I was pleased to see this technicue explored at the Clenert Training Showcase at the Washington Conference. A group of…
Read more…2.0 training
How does this work? I am looking for a module that I can engage in AND share with other members of my staff. I thought this link would be such a portal but it appears it is not- or am I missing something?
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