Let's make this a strand and all pitch in ...
- The partnership page is not listed under pull down menu about for "2.013 Conference" - would likely get more partners/sponsors if it were visible ... at http://www.library20.com/group/partners2013
- We need a page listed and created for promotional materials there - we have a banner and a hashtag [ #lib2013 ]. I see a need for a twitter account, and any other social media that the board may find useful around the globe.
- Please promote wildly - we can search for our promotions using a hashtag search tool and reblog, repost, and link.
- A one to one ratio, while ideal, isn't always necessary. Many moderators are capable of doing more than one room at a time and many presenters simply don't need a moderator.
- This is a list of partners from last year -> http://www.library20.com/page/2-012-partners and this is the list from the year before -> http://www.library20.com/page/conference-partners as John was saying, we have work to do. I have created a google doc, to which advisory board members are invited using their emails - please either send me a message on this ning OR if John or Laura have the manage tab for the ning (admin rights) they can view the emails and insert them in the google doc.
- Let's keep our momentum going! Steve has four big online conferences starting this month, and many of us are helping.............