Your Name and Title: Justin Dempsey MSW, LGSW, LADC

Library, School, or Organization Name: Hennepin County

Co-Presenter Name(s): Andrea Hansen-Miller MSW, LICSW

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience(s): System leaders, mid level management, front line staff and library patrons

Short Session Description (one line):

In this session participants will learn about the partnership between Hennepin County Human Services and the Hennepin County Library System in two of their libraries, the impact of strategically placing social services in spaces unsheltered individuals are naturally utilizing, and how a library homeless advisory group drives responsive service delivery and programming within the library. 

Full Session Description (as long as you would like): 

Our hope is to provide two learning objectives:

  • Benefits of an Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Library and County Human Services 
    • Participants in this session will learn about the MOU between Hennepin County Library System and Hennepin County Human Services while highlighting data to show some of the outcomes that can occur when the library has embedded social workers. Participants will leave with better understanding of how county MOUs with libraries for social services can address service gaps in the community for homeless patrons. 
  • Library Homeless Advisory Group Benefits 
    • Through a review of how the advisory group runs and the recommendations the board has made, participants in this presentation will better understand how an advisory group is beneficial in creating empowering opportunities for individuals experiencing homelessness specifically in how feedback is used to inform the library’s overall strategic plan, develop programming, and to identify new opportunities where current gaps in services exist. 

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