Your Name and Title: Rachel Myers, Library Branch Manager

Library, School, or Organization Name: Anne Arundel County Public Library

Co-Presenter Name(s):

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: East Coast, USA

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience(s): Public Library Staff

Short Session Description (one line): Learn how a library community pantry can help customers meet their basic needs, so that they can then better focus on other library resources.

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):   Discoveries: the Library at the Mall, is one of 16 branches of Anne Arundel County Public Library. Emerging from pandemic closures and working closely to help customers get their needs met in a time of stress, library staff opened the Community Pantry at Discoveries. Since July 2021, the pantry has distributed diapers, wipes, menstrual products and other hygiene supplies to over 200 families a month. Learn how we started, the impact on our community and how the pantry initiative has grown to encompass other projects that support the basic needs of our customers. Discover how you can scale a pantry at your location- no matter the size or type of library.

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