Your Name and Title: Martha Bongiorno


Library, School, or Organization Name: Discovering the Remarkable, LLC; Adobe for Education


Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Atlanta, Georgia


Language in Which You Will Present: English


Target Audience(s): school librarians (PK-12th) and educators


Short Session Description (one line): Explore how generative AI with Adobe Express can revolutionize library storytelling and enhance student experiences beyond the shelf.


Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

In this engaging and hands-on session, we will explore the transformative power of generative AI to enhance storytelling and library experiences. Using Adobe Firefly, the AI model that powers Adobe Express, we will dive into practical applications that bring creativity beyond the shelf. Participants will discover how generative AI can be used to create visually stunning and personalized content, manage library operations more effectively, and foster digital citizenship among students.


Key topics covered will include:

  • Revolutionizing Storytelling with AI: Learn how generative AI can create visually stunning and personalized content, such as book covers, interactive posters, and digital storytelling projects.
  • Enhancing Library Experiences: Explore how AI-driven tools can bring stories to life, making library programs more engaging and interactive for students.
  • Promoting Digital Literacy and Citizenship: Discuss the ethical aspects of using AI in storytelling, focusing on digital literacy, privacy, and responsible AI usage.

Participants will get hands-on experience with Adobe Express, creating AI-generated storytelling projects that enhance library programs. We’ll brainstorm ways to integrate these tools into your library, promoting a love of reading and creativity.

By the end of this session, you’ll have practical strategies and creative ideas to use AI tools in your library, transforming the way you support student learning and storytelling.

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

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