Your Name and Title: Mike McQueen, Librarian & Author

Library, School, or Organization Name: Missouri School for the Blind

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: St. Louis, MO 

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience(s): All Librarians

Short Session Description (one line): Literacy Reborn: Chapter 3 - Never-ending Ai Explosions 

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

12810949893?profile=RESIZE_710xArtificial intelligence is igniting a literacy revolution, uncovering new possibilities for all learners. In this session, I’ll address concepts related to chapter 3 (Never-ending Ai Explosions) in my upcoming book, LITERACY REBORN: HOW Ai IS TRANSFORMING THE WAY WE READ, WRITE, AND LEARN. I’ll highlight a few recent mind-boggling advancements that are influencing literacy and learning, and discuss the #1, most-important strategy that will help every librarian. 

I gave a more in-depth version of this presentation last month at the 2024 national ALA conference. Over 500 librarians overcrowded the room, many of whom sat on the floor in front of me, stood along the walls, and completely overcrowded both entrances to the room. See this link for the session description.

Author Bio (to help establish your confidence and my Ai credibility) - Mike McQueen has been in education for 27 years (23 as a librarian) and currently serves as librarian at Missouri School for the Blind. He earned his master’s degree in Information and Learning Technologies and has authored several professional books related to literacy and technology.  Throughout his career, Mike has focused on the intersection of literacy and technology innovation. He spent the last 7 years intensely studying artificial intelligence and now delivers keynotes and workshops, both virtually and in person. Check out his ePortfolio at and contact him for your speaking and professional development needs.

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:


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