Your Name and Title:

Christina Advento, Teacher-Librarian

Library, School, or Organization Name:

Trinity Hall

Area of the World from Which You Will Present:

Monmouth County, New Jersey

Language in Which You Will Present:


Target Audience(s):

Middle and High School Librarians who teach information literacy/research skills

Short Session Description (one line):

Prompt Engineering Using AI for Teacher-Librarians

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

Are you wondering how to best use AI to create interesting information literacy lessons? Want to help your students find better research topics?  Learn how to become a “prompt engineer.” This talk will give several approaches to using AI immediately, creating interesting lessons and activities for students.  It even provides ways for students to use AI safely and with integrity. 

Goals for the session:

  • Gain an understanding of the unique process of interacting with generative AI to get useful, quality results.
  • Take home strategies that you can immediately use to create and improve your lesson plans, as well as to help students in their own prompt engineering.


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