Your Name and Title: Loida Garcia-Febo, Health and Wellness Ambassador for SJSU School of Information

Library, School, or Organization Name: SJSU School of Information

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: New York, USA

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience(s): library workers and LIS community

Short Session Description (one line): Learn how libraries, library associations and LIS programs can support the well-being of library workers through innovative solutions. 

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

Learn how libraries, library associations and LIS programs can support the well-being of library workers through innovative solutions. Library workers face increased demands and stressors that can impact their well-being and job satisfaction. By embracing forward-thinking approaches, such as advanced training programs, wellness initiatives, and adaptive work environments, libraries can better support their staff. These innovations not only enhance employee well-being but also ensure that library workers are equipped to deliver high-quality services and remain resilient in the face of ongoing changes. Investing in these transformative solutions is essential for sustaining a vibrant, effective library workforce capable of meeting the future needs of their communities.

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:  AND

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