Your Name and Title: Samantha Bouwers, Consultant for Continuing Education

Library, School, or Organization Name: State Library of Iowa

Co-Presenter Name(s): Joy Worland, Consultant for Continuing Education and Small and Rural Libraries, Vermont Department of Libraries

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: United States (Iowa & Vermont)

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience(s): Public Librarians

Short Session Description (one line): Small libraries sometimes have to get creative with staffing! This session will offer some practical considerations for individuals and institutions.

Full Session Description (as long as you would like): Struggling with feeling like your staff are in and out through a revolving door? Having trouble recruiting quality candidates to part-time positions? Do you worry that you're duplicating efforts with the library up the road? This session will offer a (r)evolutionary take on how to solve each of these challenges: shared staff positions! Sharing staff has benefits for three interested parties. Individual employees, participating institutions, and local communities each have a lot to gain through cooperation. We’ll share practical advice about what to consider and highlight success stories from the field including, time permitting, those from session attendees.

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session: Accepted for presentation at the 2024 Association of Rural and Small Libraries Annual Conference

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