Your Name and Title: Deana Brown, Adult Services Library Consultant 

Library, School, or Organization Name: Idaho Commission for Libraries 

Co-Presenter Name(s): Annie Gaines 

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Boise, ID 

Language in Which You Will Present: English 

Target Audience(s): Library staff, directors, and trustees 

Short Session Description (one line): Imagine a future you want and use strategic foresight and futures thinking tools to guide you towards it.  

Full Session Description (as long as you would like): Did you know the future hasn’t been written yet? This means you can influence it towards the future you want!  In this interactive session, we’ll learn how strategic foresight and futures thinking tools and mindsets can help guide you towards the future you want. The group will use backcasting and forecasting to gain insights into a library related scenario. This methodology can be applied to any professional or personal scenario.  

Libraries and the world are in a constant state of flux. It can be overwhelming and challenging to stay hopeful. Let’s raise our hopes together and gain tools and insights to help us through current and future changes!  

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:  

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