Your Name and Title:
Toby Greenwalt, Principal

Library, School, or Organization Name:
Flywheel Strategies

Co-Presenter Name(s):

Area of the World from Which You Will Present:
Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Language in Which You Will Present:

Target Audience(s):
Librarians, educators, trainers

Short Session Description (one line):
Beyond Super Searchers: Adapting Information Literacy Tools to Meet the Generative AI Challenge

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

How do you break through the confirmation bias, advertorial content, and straight-up misinformation found on the web? Approaches developed by researchers, journalists, and fact-checkers often employs a mix of online tools and critical thinking methods to respond to a constantly shifting information climate. Do these methods hold up under the crush of material brought on by generative AI?
This presentation will examine the Super Searchers program, an information literacy initiative created by Google and disseminated by the Public Library Association in 2023. We’ll examine the lessons gleaned from the initial Super Searchers deployment, and reflect on how these tools were adapted to meet the information literacy challenges brought on by generative AI.

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

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