Your Name and Title: Dr. Chhavi Jain, Senior Librarian

Library, School, or Organization Name: Manav Rachna International School, Sector-46Co-

Presenter Name(s): Nil

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: India

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience(s): Librarians

Short Session Description (one line): Practical use of AI at school library set-up for the young generation

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

"Adoption of Artificial Intelligence Tools in Libraries: Introducing Chatbots @ Manav Rachna International School Sec 46, Gurugram, Haryana, India. ( A Case Study)"Dr. Chhavi JainKeywords: AI and Libraries, Chatbots and School Libraries, MRIS 46 Library, AI tools in libraries, AI driven recommendation system, Challenges of AI implementation in LibraryAbstract:The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into Library and Information Science (LIS) services has brought about major changes in the way libraries deal with day to day management and provide access to information to users. Some popular AI-driven tools like recommendation systems and chatbots at the school level can enhance readers experiences by enabling them to get personalized recommendations and can experience competent information retrieval.Now a days, AI play a vital role in the managing library effectively like for information retrieval, digital archives and preservation, virtual assistants, collection development, data analytics, accessibility etc, at higher educational institutions library system. This paper will be useful to explore the possibility of use of AI at school library setup for young generation.Libraries may face some challenges like struggle with data standardization, and management processes necessary for effective AI implementation. Ethical concerns, privacy and data protection, integration challenges, implementation costs, are few concerns to keep in consideration before adopting latest technology. Library staff may resist adopting AI-driven systems and over-reliance on AI systems may lead to a loss of critical thinking skills or human expertise in library operations.The integration of AI in libraries also raises ethical concerns like privacy, data security, and algorithmic biases, emphasizing the need for responsible AI implementation. Modern libraries are using AI tools to serve the latest information effectively to users. Librarians deployed AI in chatbots and discovery systems, providing users with recommendations and directions to appropriate resources. The purpose of the paper is to share the case study of experience of using chatbot at Manav Rachna International School Library, and to showcase the use of AI tools in academic libraries and to share the challenges faced by library staff in implementation and in use. The paper may include technical, financial and operational issues including ethical concerns.1. IntroductionArtificial Intelligence provides significant opportunity to transform how we think, how we work and how we serve to community. Introducing Artificial Intelligence is crucial to convert library as student oriented research hub. AI driven personalized learning tools are able to create an ecosystem to transform libraries to Research Center focused on Student Engagement by introducing Research Oriented Library Services. Artificial Intelligence tools are new for librarians, has potential to amend the conventional ways to modern approach for teaching, learning and research. The paper is designed to encourage the ethical ways to use AI Tools like Chatbot in practical and meaningful way to enhance patron engagement in library. The paper will be helpful to discover the potential of Chatbot and other AI Tools to extend library services for better communication and interaction with users including case study of Manav Rachna International School Library . 2. Objectivea. To explore the role of AI tools for information retrieval in effective manner with accurate output to enhance library work flow.b. To analyze the role of AI in user engagements in library to provide better experience and connectivity with them.c. To investigate how AI can be introduced in library curriculum to provide exposure of the latest technology to the young generation to make them technically ready for the future including Information Literacy Projects.d. Proposal of creating a comprehensive guide of AI Tools for librarians to educate peers about the latest technology.e. Evaluate the role of AI in providing personal recommendations on the basis of user’s skills and interest.From a range of AI tools, a small number of tools are used by academic libraries. Librarians are not fully aware or trained to use these tools effectively in libraries. Therefore it is desirable to identify various AI tools appropriate for libraries, their effective use, limitations, and ethical use of AI and provide the information at one place for the benefit of fellow librarians in a comprehensive manner, with valuable insights and resources. The research will be based on the review of existing literature, case studies and practical experience.3. State-of-the-Art Literature Review: 3.1 Artificial Intelligence in Library System: Artificial intelligence (AI) is technology that enables computers and machines to simulate human learning, comprehension, problem-solving, decision making, creativity and autonomy (Stryker & Kavlakoglu, 2024). The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into Library and Information Science (LIS) services has brought about significant transformations in the way libraries manage and provide access to information. AI-driven tools such as recommendation systems, chatbots, and natural language processing have enhanced user experiences by enabling personalized recommendations and efficient information retrieval (Chandrashekara & Mulimani, 2024)3.2 Awareness and Adoption of Artificial Intelligence Tools in Libraries:AI plays a vital role in managing the library effectively, for Information retrieval, Digital Archives and Preservation, Virtual assistants, Collection Development, Data Analytics, accessibility for users with disabilities by providing text-to-speech, image recognition, and other assistive capabilities and Content Curation (Tandel, 2024). Some AI tools like Research Rabbit, Perplexity, Scite, ChatGPT , Consensus, EndNote, Semantic Scholar, Elicit, and QuillBot play a vital role in the advancement of library services (Tandel, 2024).3.3 Challenges and Limitations for the use of AI Tools in the context of School Libraries:Libraries may struggle with data standardization, and management processes necessary for effective AI implementation. Ethical Concerns, Privacy & Data Protection, Integration Challenges, Implementation Costs, are a few concerns to keep in consideration before adopting the latest technology. Library staff may resist adopting AI-driven systems and over-reliance on AI systems may lead to a loss of critical thinking skills or human expertise in library operations. AI applications in libraries may raise complex copyright and intellectual property issues etc (Praveenraj et al. 2024) 5.4 Ethical Use of AI in LibrariesThe integration of AI in libraries raises ethical concerns related to privacy, data security, and algorithmic biases, emphasizing the need for responsible AI implementation. Trained librarians can lend their expertise in data storage and licensing, data quality assessment, and safe and ethical information storage to help researchers address some of the concerns around data (IFLA, 2021).6. AI @ Manav Rachna International School, Sec-46, Gurugram, LibraryMRIS-46 Reading Recommendation Bookbot has been created by Manav Rachna International School- 46 Library to enhance the library services and give personalized recommendations to students as per their interest, age and experience of past read and reading goals, including aviability of books in MRIS-46 library. This Chatbot uses algorithms to suggest books that align with the user's interest and their academic need. It ensures that recommendation suits the age level and grades. Benefits of Books Recommendation via Chatbot1. Personalized Book Recommendation- Students can get personal recommendation tailored as per their choice, interest, and reading goals.2. Time Saving- Chatbot shows quick results to save time of users.3. Engaging Activity- The conversational interface make this process more interesting and enjoyable.4. Promotion of Reading- Encourage recultant readers to get a book of their interest to start reading.5. Accessibility- In this way users can stay in touch with libraries even on nonworking days or when librarians are not available.By introducing Chaobot, librarians can make libraries more enjoyable, efficient, user friendly and can foster the love of reading by give right guidance or recommendation and can support academic growth.Popular Software Options: Some of the popular softwares which can be used for the development of desizred chatbot are Chatfule, Intercom, Tidio, Drift, Botsify, LivePerson, Zendesk, FreshChat,, BotCrew, Dialogflow, Pandorabots and Botpress. The 6 best chatbot builders• ChatGPT for curious beginners• Zapier Chatbots for automation• Chatbase for ease of use• Botpress for building powerful bots• Botsonic for online businesses• Intercom for customer supportChatbot Builder Must Features:• Use of LLM- Large Language Model- LLM is a language that understand and proccess the human language to the required codes for the development of chatbot.• Interaction with Database- The user friendly chatbot builder is open the retrieve data with the personal database.• Provide Public Access- A good chatbot builder will allow to make a public faceing Chatbot from the creator’s webpage or through Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp.• User friendly- Chat bot builder must be easy to use and must be developed in a way so that untrained people can use it.• Ethical Use of Data: The tool must have a good data policy, clear history of data handling and should not use your data at its own end for any other perpose or without permission.7. ConclusionLibraries are influenced by AI tools like ChatGPT to provide information with basic questions like who, what, where, how, when in connection with print or digital resources, to summaries the content as per age, interest and required complexity. Users will experience fully automated intelligent libraries in near future. Whereas Chatbot can help users to get the reading recommendation tailored to fulfill their reading and research requirement. This paper gives a brief idea usage of AI Tools in libraries including Ethical Concerns, Implementation Challenges, Data Protection and Users Training.Reference• Chandrashekara, G., & Mulimani, M. N. (2024). The impact of artificial intelligence on library and information science (LIS) services. SSRN Electronic Journal, 1-12.• Praveenraj, D. D. W., Agarwal, K., Kim, B., & Singh, V. (2025). Artificial intelligence applications in modern library services. Library Progress International, 45(1), 1-11.• Stryker, C., & Kavlakoglu, E. (2024). What is artificial intelligence (AI)? IBM.• Tandel, B. (2024). Artificial intelligence (AI) tools used in libraries. International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, 5(6), 4195-4199. (ISSN 2582-7421)• IFLA/FAIFE (Committee on Freedom of Access to Information and Freedom of Expression). (2020, October 21). IFLA statement on libraries and artificial intelligence. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions.• Mannheimer, S., Bond, N., Young, S., Scates Kettler, H., Clark, J., Shorish, Y., Rossmann, D., & Sheehey, B. (2024, September 22). Responsible AI practice in libraries and archives: A review of the literature. [PDF file]. Retrieved from file:///C:/Users/librarysenior1/Downloads/17245+20240922+galley%20(1).pdf Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

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