Your Name and Title: Valerie Byrd Fort, Instructor
Library, School, or Organization Name: University of South Carolina
Co-Presenter Name(s): April Dawkins, Assistant Professor, UNC Greensboro
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: East Coast - US (North Carolina and South Carolina)
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): All
Short Session Description (one line): Get Ready, Stay Ready: A Community Action Toolkit
Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
Are you a librarian working to bring your community together? Are you a parent/ caregiver who wants to make sure your child's curiosity, intellectual freedom, and reading life is as rich, and as powerful as possible? Are you tired of efforts by small and loud voices who want to take over your parental voice and your child's rights? Then we are here to help!
The Get Ready, Stay Ready: Community Action Toolkit is an effort by a group of parents and librarians who believe that the power is in community, in togetherness, in a collective outcry and a collective pushback against those who want to erase our stories , our history, our existence. Here you will find curated resources including scripts for public speaking and writing, fantastic video presentations, training materials equipping you to learn more about (and fight back) censorship's impact on education and society, tools for civic engagement, and a network of organizations across the country that are determined to preserve your child's right to a high-quality education through intellectual freedom.
Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session: