Name and Title: Claire Nickerson, Learning Initiatives and Open Educational Resources Librarian
Library, School, or Organization Name: Fort Hays State University, Forsyth Library
Co-Presenter Name(s): Heather VanDyne, Online Learning Librarian
Area of the World from Which You Will Present: Hays, Kansas, USA
Language in Which You Will Present: English
Target Audience(s): Academic Librarians, Instruction Librarians
Short Session Description: Ethical usage of AI for teaching and learning information literacy
Full Session Description: As AI has become more publicly available, generative artificial intelligence has had increasing usage in the academic space, drawing questions, curiosities and skepticism from students and instructors alike. In this session, we will discuss how AI can provide support as students locate, evaluate, and use information sources for their assignments. The audience will be introduced to specific tools that use AI to assist with research tasks, such as ResearchRabbit, Humata, and Explainpaper, and come away with strategies to integrate AI-assisted information literacy learning activities into instruction sessions.
Websites / URLs Associated with Session: